Booking Request Form
Please introduce yourself and have your design request ready to describe.
To book a standard custom tattoo we need to know:
- Who [helps us know you & please provide the name of your referral]
- What [the main subject of your tattoo with practical references ready]
- Where [on your body, example: (L) or (R) arm, inner/upper/outer/top etc.]
- How big [inches, approximate or state 'full' arm, etc.]
- When [are you generally available or when would you like to have your consultation & future tattoo planned for]
- Budget [propose your estimated budget & consider the digital scheduling options for value]
With the above information, your request can be considered for the time it may take on the calendar.
A Studio Consultation can help us determine the rest.
Standard requests are booked:
Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri ✨ 12pm-7pm
6 hours studio time per day is the current limit, this usually offers 1-3 available bookings each day with time for a short reset between appointments.
Other days not seen on the calendar and alternate times per standard day may be booked or extended as necessary by special discussion or by Samantha's rightful discretion.
New requests will be taken as long as 'Books are Open', otherwise stellar members who regularly return will need to be prioritized to complete large & multi-session artworks. ✨
A consultation is mandatory for all new members.
If any of the necessary information is incomplete or insufficient a reply will not be issued.
For post-surgery tattoo requests, please see the 'New Members' page'.